Excerpt from the Future Feminism by Antony Hegarty.
“And then, what about the fact that we’re made of 70% water? And then the whole ocean reacts to the full moon? In a serious way. Everything’s ticking around that moon and if we’re 70% water I must be having some — at least homeopathic — relationship with the changing cycles of the moon.
I can’t escape my obsession with the idea that I’m made out of this place, because I was raised to believe that I fundamentally was constituted of spiritual matter that was from somewhere else like Heaven or from a Sky God. Like Gore Vidal talks about Sky Gods and I really picked up that language because in patriarchal monotheisms we all worship a God elsewhere who has a plan for us in a paradise elsewhere: After we die there will be a paradise waiting for us and this place is like a work station where we sort of get all our ‘T’s crossed and our ‘I’s dotted before we go off to a real spiritual dimension.
I’m worried that the ecology of the world is collapsing and that I won’t have anywhere to be reborn because I actually believe, like, where is any of us going? Where have any of us ever gone? We’ve come back here in some form. Did you know that whales were once land roaming mammals? And then they crawled back into the ocean trying to find something to eat? And then eventually they got rid of their hands and legs.
I’ve been searching and searching for that little bit of my constitution that isn’t of this place and I still haven’t found it. Every atom of me, every element of me seems to resonate, seems to reflect the great world around me. So, I’ve come to the conclusion that this is God’s best idea — that this manifest world is the frontier of his dream, or her dream in my opinion. So, that’s just my point of view from where I can start to establish a new way to value the world that I’m a part of. Cause if I’m not heading off to paradise elsewhere when I die then I have more of a vested interest in observing a sustainable relationship with this place.”
Antony Hegarty